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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

moon cup

Don't Give up on Moon Cups by Lec Watkins
Do not give up! If you are having problems with your period cup, menstrual cup, moon cup, diva cup or keeper you are not alone! Practice is the key to managing your periods with this environmentally friendly tampon alternative.
Lots of women see the benefits of using a period cup. They read up and find out how much better they are for vaginal health. All the plus points of no more waste to throw in landfill each month and no more regular expenditure on sanitary products. Most of all, many women feel they are looking to the future and helping the planet using a green product.
But, once the enthusiasm wears off, many women are confronted with the stark realisation that they just cannot get the hang of this new, larger than expected contraption. Sadly, a few days of feeling a new sensation, worrying about the whole thing disappearing and maybe some leakage leads these ladies to consign the new menstrual cup to the bathroom cabinet. Some relic to a wish to live more ecologically and remind them of how they failed.
It does not have to be like that. We expect too much of ourselves. Yes, some women instantly take to their new method of menstrual protection. But most do not. It is just we tend to hear from the vocal, evangelical users who experienced no problems switching to use a menstrual cup.
Finding a new sensation unpleasant and a new way of managing periods difficult is, quite frankly, to be expected. After five, ten or twenty years using one set of products to manage the monthly flow most women do not even think about their sanitary protection,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Red Boots. It becomes second nature, automatic behaviour even.
If you are thinking about switching to use a menstrual cup, be realistic. Think back to when you started your periods. Was it all automatic, easy? Where you unaware of the presence of tampon or towel? I doubt it. So expect the same now. Yes, you will be aware of the menstrual cup you use to begin with. Probably more psychologically aware than physically. However many times you are told not to worry about your new moon cup disappearing you may still do, until the thing proves you wrong. Then, looking back you can smile and wonder where on earth that cup could disappear to anyway!
Do not expect to take to a menstrual cup overnight. But every day gets better, and every month things get more automatic. If you are worried, be realistic, maybe go back to your old form of menstrual protection if you are going out all day. Practice with your new period cup at home where you feel comfortable. If you experience leaks do not feel a failure, just double up with a panty liner until you get the hang of that darned seal and the leaks stop.
The menstrual cup sitting in your bathroom cabinet should be used. Do not let it make you feel a failure. Practice is the only way you will get the knack of using it.

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